Thursday, June 13, 2013

Angel Baby

It feels so bad and it hurts really really bad knowing that after all the plans you have made for your little angel, you will not be able to hold her in your arms, let your angel feel the warmth of your love, not be able to see her smile. I will never forget that day when we lost you. My precious Amanda,you are gone but you will never be forgotten. You will always be in my  Tita Beth will take care of you for awhile in Heaven and someday I will hold you again in heaven.

My Angel Baby

© Heather
I never got to see your eyes,
or hold your hand, or hear your cries.
All I have are dreams of you,
those of which, will never come true.
My heart sank the day that I knew,
I would never get to meet you.
I had made plans, and had aspirations,
if only I had a little more patience.
I never thought the Lord would take you
away from me so soon.
But, I'll never forget that dismal day,
around two in the afternoon.
The day I knew something was not right,
and through many tears I would have to fight.
Now, all I do is dream every night,
about what life would have been like.
What if you really had been born?
But all we have a dreams of that,
and all we can do is mourn.
We will not mourn for you though,
because we know you're where you need to be,
even though it isn't here with me.
You are my angel baby because God wanted you with Him.
Now, forever with his angels, His praises you will sing.
None of my dreams for you will ever come true,
because of that day God chose to take you.
But, my angel baby you will always be,
in my heart forever, forever a part of me.

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